I live perched up in the hills of the Herefordshire/Welsh borders above Hay-on-Wye, with my husband, three children, red border collie and two cats in an off-grid cabin that is nestled in a plot of fertile land, where I create luxury, stylish, sustainable interior everlasting floral sculpture using dried flowers and plants grown and foraged from my organic garden and surrounding countryside.
My work has appeared at the Hay Festival Winter Weekend, The Oriel Myrddin Gallery, The Oriel Davies Gallery, The Camp Good Life Festival, The Ravenshill Flower Festival, as well as shops, cafes, and bars and many homes. It has featured in Period Living magazine, and Country Homes and antiques, and Country Living Magazine, and is also increasingly appreciated by interior designers.
What I make is very individual and offers a unique way of bringing the liveliness, movement and joy of nature and the outdoors into an interior design, making it a truly fresh individual stylish addition. It can sit beautifully in a modern, minimal setting as much as traditional one, with the aim of bringing an element of all important ‘fun’ into it too.
My designs combine a fantastic dynamic of twiggy architectural structure, with the timeless elegance of everlasting flowers. They can be playful and bursting with colour, or delicate, calm and subtle. My work is often described as making ‘the heart sing’ and making people feel happy when they see it.
In this incredible landscape practically, every hilltop is crested with an ancient hill fort, the peaks of the Black mountains glower darkly and majestically over valleys bellow filled with rushing streams and winding rivers. The generous verges of old drover’s roads harking back to days gone past, winding lanes and rutted tracks that spill over with a colourful abundance of wildflowers in spring and summer, provide the richest texture filled bounty of seed heads, grasses, berries and leaves in the autumn and winter. This magical landscape of myth and legend, wilderness and beauty are what inspires my designs, and is woven together in a little bit of all my work.
Everything grown here is done organically and as sustainably as possible. I aim to continue striving for an ever-improving environment for nature and wildlife to thrive alongside where we grow and live. Hence, my garden is a trifle wild in places at least to the human eye, but hopefully it is a welcome habitat. We have dormice, hedgehogs, weasels, many voles, shrews and mice, rabbits, bats, and a multitude of birds to name a few.